Development of religious knowledge – Grades three, four, and five build on the foundation started in the primary grades. Students are exposed to more information in the Mass, the Beatitudes, the Sacraments, the Ten Commandments, and the Catholic Saints. The students continue to take part in weekly Mass and are provided an even greater opportunity to plan and participate at Mass. Starting in grade four, students can receive instruction on becoming an altar server.
To celebrate All Saints’ Day, our students engage in projects that enhance their knowledge of the saints. Third grade students create crowns to depict their patron saint. In the fourth grade, students research, design, and create Pumpkin Saints shared throughout the building a week before the Holy Day.
In Third Grade, children learn how we become members of the Church. They learn that faith comes through hearing and witnessing and how important it is to ask questions and to listen to answers about Jesus. Examining examples of Christian living, the Creed, and the sacraments are ways to answer their questions. A further understanding of the need to gather at Mass is undertaken.
In the fourth grade children are guided in growing in Christian moral life. God calls us to fellowship with Him and one another in Christ. Formation of conscience is one of the principle aims of the year, and children study the Beatitudes as a foundation to moral living. A growing appreciation of the Sacrament of Reconciliation is fostered. The Ten Commandments and Jesus’ law to love one another help to guide the conscience toward a Christian response. Children learn that the Eucharist strengthens one to live as Christ. Children also recognize that the Holy Spirit was sent to help us live by Jesus’ example.
In Fifth Grade children focus intentionally on the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church. They will recognize Jesus’ presence in the Church and their call to give witness and service as Jesus did.
Service Learning – All students participate in at least one service learning project each year.
Content area classes – During these years, our students greatly expand their knowledge in the areas of math and reading. The reading program we use is Reading Street. The use of a textbook and small booklets allow the students to read different genres. We use the Sadlier Math program to allow hands on learning in math while teaching traditional methods of computation. Science uses the STEMscopes program. This is a hands-on science curriculum that includes online use as well. In Social Studies, the third grade students learn about various communities around the world, fourth grade concentrates on the state of Kentucky and the different regions of the Unites States, learning all the states and their capitals, and the fifth grade students learn about the early history of the United States starting with explorers.
Enrichment Classes – All intermediate students participate in enrichment classes in the areas of physical education, music, art, library, and Spanish on a weekly basis to learn skills in the various areas.