The Student & Family Handbook is intended to create guidelines for an environment of learning and development for the students, without distractions. The handbook is reviewed each year to ensure it is up-to-date with the needs of our families, while addressing any new topics that may impact learning. Each year, families are asked to review the handbook with their children.
Schoolbelles (School Code: 1988)
Lands’ End (School Code: 900140492)
Saint Thomas School expects that students practice modesty, cleanliness, and good hygiene. All students should be in the appropriate school uniform daily. The Principal reserves the right to enforce any type of dress code not specifically mentioned in this policy. The Principal reserves the right to determine whether the length of skirts, shorts, pants, or shirts are an appropriate length. If a dress code violation occurs, parents may be called to bring in whatever item is needed. Students will receive consequences for ongoing dress code violations.
Girls Grades K-2:
Shirts – Solid white or light blue polo or Oxford, short or long sleeved; tucked in. Colored or printed tee shirts may not be worn under the uniform shirt.
Jumper – Plaid uniform from Schoolbelles. Jumpers must be worn with either a plain all-white, traditional round-collar blouse, or white polo.
Pants/Shorts – Dress navy twill. No double seams or patch pockets; no faded pants. (K-2 girls may wear pants with ½ elastic waistbands.)
Socks – White, navy, or black socks must be worn. Small logos are permitted on socks. Solid white, navy, or black tights/leggings (footed or ankle length) may be worn with jumpers or skirts.
Girls Grades 3-5:
Shirts – Solid white or light blue polo or Oxford, short or long sleeved; tucked in. Colored or printed tee shirts may not be worn under the uniform shirt.
Jumper – Plaid uniform from Schoolbelles.
Skirt – Plaid box pleated or pleated skirt from Schoolbelles. Must be of an appropriate length.
Pants/Shorts – Dress navy twill. No double seams or patch pockets; no faded pants.
Socks – White, navy, or black socks must be worn. Small logos are permitted on socks. Solid white, navy, or black tights/leggings (footed or ankle length) may be worn with jumpers or skirts.
Girls Grades 6-8:
Shirt – Solid white or light blue polo or Oxford short or long sleeved; tucked in. Colored or printed tee shirts may not be worn under the uniform shirt.
Skirt – Plaid box pleated or pleated skirt from Schoolbelles. Must be of an appropriate length.
Pants/Shorts – Dress navy twill or light Khaki twill. No double seams or patch pockets; no faded pants.
Socks – White, navy, or black socks must be worn. Small logos are permitted on socks. Solid white, navy, or black tights/leggings (footed or ankle length) may be worn with skirts.
Boys Grades K-5:
Shirts – Solid white or light blue polo or Oxford short or long sleeved; tucked in. Colored or printed tee shirts may not be worn under the uniform shirt.
Pants/Shorts – Dress navy twill. No double seams or patch pockets; no faded pants. (K-2 boys may wear pants with ½ elastic waistbands.) Must be of an appropriate length. Shorts may be worn year round.
Socks – White, navy, or black socks must be worn. Small logos are permitted on socks.
Boys Grade 6-8:
Shirts – Solid white or light blue polo or Oxford short or long sleeved; tucked in. Colored or printed tee shirts may not be worn under the uniform shirt.
Pants/Shorts – Dress navy twill or light khaki twill (no gold or dark khaki). No double seams or patch pockets; no faded pants. Must be of an appropriate length. Shorts may be worn year round.
Socks – White, navy, or black socks must be worn. Small logos are permitted on socks.
Grade 8:
Eighth grade students may wear their class designed shirt/hoodie.
All Students
Shoes – Appropriate and safe shoes such as tied casual shoes, gym/tennis shoes are permitted. Shoes with closed toe and closed heel must be worn at all times. The Principal reserves the right to determine what is considered safe.
Belts – A solid black or brown belt must be worn with belt-looped pants or shorts. Navy blue belts from Schoolbelles can be worn with navy blue pants/shorts. Belts may not have studs or other decorations. (Students in grades K-1 are not required to wear a belt, but should begin learning)
Sweatshirts – Gray or Navy with embroidered school logo purchased from Land’s End. Uniform shirts must be worn underneath with the collar out over the sweatshirt.
Name Tags – Must be worn each day and be visible. Replacement cost is $5.00.
Hair – Must be clean and well-groomed. Girls’ hair should be out of the eyes and boys’ hair must be above the collar and above the eyebrows. The style must be considered “school appropriate.” Any fads, such as, but not limited to, Mohawks, numbers, tails, beads, etc. are not permitted.
Noticeable hair coloring, including highlighting, streaking, or alteration of natural hair color is not permitted. Facial hair is not permitted.
Jewelry Girls may wear a pair of small post earrings or small hoop earrings. Boys may not wear earrings (Principal reserves the right to ask jewelry to be removed if deemed distracting or unsafe.)
Make-Up Students are not permitted to wear make-up. Artificial nails are not permitted. Nail polish may be worn modestly (i.e. all nails the same color, no distracting designs).
Accessories Tattoos are not permitted. Jackets, coats, scarves, bandanas, and leg warmers are not permitted in the classroom. Hats are not permitted in the classroom unless part of a special day. Dark glasses may not be worn indoors unless medically prescribed.
Out of Uniform Dress Code
On certain occasions, students may come to school out of uniform. Clothing must be appropriate for school. The Principal reserves the right to prohibit any type of dress not specifically mentioned in this policy, if they feel it is not school-appropriate.
Shirts/Tops – T-shirts may be worn. However, printed material on t-shirts must be appropriate for school. (no inappropriate sayings, pictures, symbols, or references to drugs, alcohol, or tobacco.) They may have hoods, a sports logo, or a holiday message. No tank tops, spaghetti straps, or tight fitting (spandex) shirts. Shirts must be hip length.
Pants – Tights/leggings may be worn when accompanied by a dress, skirt, or long shirt of appropriate length. Tights/leggings must be solid/opaque. Jeans must be free from rips and tears.
Shorts – Must be of an appropriate length. PE uniform shorts are an acceptable option.
Skirts/Dresses – Must be of an appropriate length. Spandex skirts and dresses are not permitted.
Socks/Shoes/Jewelry/Earrings/Accessories – Must all follow the uniform guidelines stated above.
Spirit Wear – First Tuesday of every month students may wear Saint Thomas spirit wear tops with their school uniform bottoms.
Physical Education Class Dress Code
Grades K-8 must wear a school P.E. uniform. The P.E uniform must be worn to school on the day your child has P.E. class. The P.E. uniform consists of a gray t-shirt with the Saint Thomas logo and black gym shorts with the Tomcat logo. Black sweatpants with the Tomcat logo may be worn either over top of the gym shorts or in place of the gym shorts. Gym shoes may be the same ones worn to school as long as they are clean, do not have to mark black bottoms, and can be tied or have Velcro fasteners. Slip-on shoes are not allowed for P.E. Class.
The National Catholic Risk Retention Group, Inc. created VIRTUS programs to help prevent wrongdoing and promote “rightdoing” within religious organizations. The VIRTUS programs empower organizations and people to better control risk and improve the lives of all those who interact with the Church.
Protect Young Eyes- Protecting our children is the right thing for all of us to do.
The Saint Thomas Board of Catholic Education exists to support the Principal & Pastor in the implementation of educational programs at Saint Thomas Parish. The Board consists of parents & parishioners that help formulate, develop, and promote policies that govern the operation of the educational programs in the parish.
The board meets bi-monthly at 6:00 p.m. on the third Monday of the month.
Any questions or comments for the Board of Catholic Education can be sent to [email protected]